While I love animals, my favorite animals are dolphins and dogs. Speaking of dogs is much more common today to comment about the most cute and funny animals ... Dolphins. These beautiful animals come to be measured about four meters and can weigh up to 300 kilos ... live in groups of six or more. This enables them to care for each other and protected from predators (even help in raising). Also communicate through whistles, rattles and squeaks that are not random, it is their language, and it is shown that they can post questions and answers.
What I like is that they are playful, sociable, and who are seen jumping into the sea and following boats.
What I like is that they are playful, sociable, and who are seen jumping into the sea and following boats.
Something that catches my attention to them is the ability to learn, understand and analyze and as I read this is due to the great development of the brain and nervous system. Your brain is even more complex than the human being.
One thing that saddens me is that although they make many big jumps and spins, when a network of traps are not able to escape and are helpless and often die accidentally breaks ... for them are expressions of joy and freedom, play with air bubbles in the form of rings, which are themselves to exhale through their blowholes.
One of the things I like to dive and the future is to learn more about the environment and atmosphere of these animals and also be able to swim with them as many times I've seen in movies and stories.
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